General Compression, Inc.

Manufacturer/Supplier in Newton, Massachusetts

Founded in 2006, General Compression makes low-cost bulk energy storage a reality. Our GCAES™ technology is a modular compressor/expander that enables both utility-scale and distributed energy storage projects. GCAES™ stores energy in pressurized air and warmed water. Based on reversible thermodynamics, GCAES™ is fuel-free, emits no carbon or other emissions, and provides near-isothermal compression and expansion. Multiple GCAES™ units can be linked together to enable projects ranging from approximately 5 to as much as 1,000 megawatts or more. Our technology can increase generation plant utilization, enable the integration of intermittent renewable generation as a firm resource, make base-load nuclear and coal plants load-following, optimize transmission assets, and maximize value for grid operators and electricity generators. In early 2011, General Compression commissioned ARPA-E's first successful project, a 100 kW multi-stage GCAES™ unit in Watertown, Massachusetts. In December 2012, General Compression commissioned a 2 MW (500 MWh) Dispatchable Wind™ GCAES™ project in Gaines, Texas. Our technology enables a future with reliable clean energy and more efficient, lower cost power grids.



275 Washington Street
Newton, Massachusetts
USA 2458
(617) 559-9999

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