David Wluka - Wluka Real Estate Corp
Service Provider in Sharon, Massachusetts
I have spent my career focusing on Smart Growth and intelligent land use practices. My company logo which may look like a star, is a plan of Palm Nova in Italy, one of the world's first planned cities. I was involved in the design and marketing of Swedish Technology energy efficient homes in Massachusetts in the late 1980's when "Building Green" was not a part of our vocabulary. In the past decade I have served on and chaired the Smart Growth Work Group of the National Association of Realtors as well as the Quality of Life Presidential Advisory Committee of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors. I have spoken nationally on Smart Growth and its benefits to the community. The Ecobroker designation of which I am quite proud, is the capstone of an environmentally oriented career. If you are truly interested in "living more gently on the earth", I can help you.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
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Two Chestnut Square, P.O. Box 333
Sharon, Massachusetts
USA 02067