Service Provider in NUEVO LEON
CEMEX is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of concrete, concrete mixes, poured floors, anhydrite screeds, insulating and filling cement foams, self-compacting concretes and other special products. It also deals with the extraction and processing of aggregates, offers quality natural sorted and unsorted stone and sand. In the Czech Republic, CEMEX operates 70 concrete plants, 10 gravel pits, 5 quarries, a cement plant, a cement mill and the production of special concrete admixtures. CEMEX holds OHSAS 18001, EMS 14001 and ISO 9001 certificates, which confirm the above-standard quality of products and services provided. CEMEX has modern research and diagnostic laboratories for concrete and aggregates. Active cooperation with development centers brings the latest knowledge and technology to production. CEMEX has extensive experience in providing innovative building solutions, increasing efficiency and promoting sustainable development. CEMEX is committed to meeting the biodiversity targets defined by the Building Biodiversity initiative. The Mexican company has been operating in the Czech Republic since 2005.
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Av. Constitución Pte No. 444 Centro Monterrey
Mexico 64000