Autoridad Portuaria de Ferrol - San Cibrao
Service Provider in Ferrol
This Port Authority is among the four main ones on the North Atlantic-Cantabrian façade. Our facilities are the gateway to Ferrolterra and A Mariña, and constitute one of the main socio-economic engines of both regions. The APFSC has two ports in Ferrol, the interior with 1,710.10 meters of berthing line and 14.6 draft; and the exterior, with 1,764.3 meters of berthing line and 20 draft, and where the container terminal is located. And another port in San Cibrao, with a main dock with a 232-meter berthing line and a draft of between 14 and 17 meters. For the next few years we have set ourselves the challenges of completing rail access to the outer port of Ferrol as soon as possible and in the best possible way, favoring the expansion of the Caneliñas container terminal, completing the reorganization of port uses.
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Muelle Curuxeiras, S/N
Spain 15401