Certified Solar Roofing Professional (CSRP)
Roof Integrated Solar Energy (RISE) evaluates and certifies solar energy installers for knowledge regarding critical roof construction and maintenance practices necessary to support successful rooftop solar energy. RISE and the Certified Solar Roofing Professional (CSRP) credential program benefit roofing and solar professionals by: Demanding a higher standard for all rooftop solar installations; Providing a distinguished, nationally recognized professional credential that can enhance your career; Satisfying consumers by protecting their roofing and solar investments; Increasing the number of successful rooftop solar installations; Providing the public with tools to identify skilled rooftop solar energy professionals; Promoting a healthier rooftop solar industry by differentiating between those who understand how to integrate those systems with the roof safely and effectively from those who simply understand PV systems; Ensuring roof-mounted PV system work is overseen by individuals who are knowledgeable and experienced in roofing and PV system technologies, safety and construction processes; Providing you with a competitive edge.