Solar Action Network

Service Provider in San Luis Obispo, California

If you believe in keeping smart solar policy and have time to make your voice heard, we want to hear from you. A group of solar professionals is coordinating volunteers to speak at every CPUC meeting for the rest of this year. The plan is to have a few folks speak for a minute or two during the public comment period at the start their regular business meetings. If you can make it to San Francisco one morning, then let us know and fill out the below form with your availability. We need to ensure changes to net metering and rate design do not hurt the solar industry and the powerful job engine it has created. Job growth in the solar industry has been a success story and can continue to help drive Californiaƕs economic revitalization, but only if politicians and regulators get the policies right. Making our voices heard and maintaining a presence at these meetings will show folks that we mean business - and support the strong economy fueled by solar energy. Be proud to represent California's 54,000 solar workers, and sign up to speak at the CPUC.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

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PO Box 15546
San Luis Obispo, California
USA 93401
(505) 847-6527

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