Cotton Bottom Baby

Distributor/Wholesaler in Salina, Kansas

We specialize in all things cloth diaper! We have several types of cloth diapers (AIO, AIT, pre-folds, covers, liners, detergent, and much, much more!). We also support all your other natural parenting needs with organic clothes and accessories, wraps/slings, natural toys, breastfeeding support, and a caring staff who will help you pick the products that are right for your needs. Ultimately, we would like to develop a strong network of area mothers adhering to the philosophy of â??mom helping moms.â?? In addition to a convenient place to nurse, change a diaper, or just sit and talk for awhile, we would like our business to serve as a venue for informational classes, cloth diapering workshops, and baby showers (with no pressure to buy our merchandise!) In the coming weeks and months we also hope to offer a wealth of information on local midwives, doulas, and birthing classes.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Cotton Bottom Baby has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


1909 Hageman Avenue
Salina, Kansas
USA 67401
(785) 404-6650

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