Quality Certification Services (QCS)

Service Provider in Gainesville, Florida

QCS is a USDA and ISO Guide 65 accredited certification program that offers a wide array of certification options for farming, livestock, packing, handling, processing, and wild harvest operations. QCS is an industry leader with more than 25 years of experience in certification. We have over 850 clients in 37 states and 11 countries, meeting the needs of operations regardless of type, location, or size on the ever-expanding worldwide market. We are committed to meeting the unique needs of your business in a timely manner. Our staff includes food and agricultural scientists, educators, and regulators, all highly trained in US & International Organic and Food Safety standards. Our reputation is unequaled. Integrity is our seal. While our home office is in Florida, QCS has USA regional offices in Missouri and Virginia, and internationally in Ecuador and Dominican Republic. Each office assists clients of all size, type and location. We also have bilingual staff available to assist our international clients.





P.O. Box 12311
Gainesville, Florida
USA 32604
(530) 601-0740

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