Adaven Children’s Dentistry

Service Provider in Henderson, Nevada

After 18 years of providing exceptional care and creating one of the top Pediatric Dental Offices in Henderson, Dr. Manny Rapp has sold the practice to Dr. Travis Neu. Dr. Manny is confident in Dr. Travis’s ability to provide the same quality of care for our amazing Adaven patients. Dr. Travis is a long time Nevada resident and has been in Henderson for 8 years. He attended UNLV Dental School and then completed a 2-year residency where he specialized in Pediatric Dentistry. During this residency, he excelled as a clinician and earned the Top Clinician Award. Dr. Travis has loved his time practicing here at Adaven & is grateful to be part of such a great team. He looks forward to providing many years of exceptional care, along with Dr. Nina, to the wonderful patients here at Adaven.

A few fun facts about Dr. Travis. He loves: Lebron James, playing pickleball, pizza, and his 3 beautiful children!



2843 St. Rose Pkwy
Suite 100
Henderson, Nevada
USA 89052
(702) 492-1955

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