Emily Mintz - Long & Foster, Realtors
Service Provider in North Bethesda, Maryland
I have been dedicated to environmental causes for decades, and am pleased that the real estate community is recognizing the unique opportunities Realtors can present to buyer and seller clients. Whether buying new construction or an older resale home, buyers can examine their purchase based on energy consumption, comfort, and environmental safety. Sellers who have retrofitted their homes for energy efficiency, improved air quality, and conservation should have an agent capable of presenting these improvements and features to potential buyers and their agents. Your agent should "walk the walk," and I can speak from personal experience, having remodeled my standard 1960's home to include a hydronic heating system, increased insulation, and recently completed a "green" remodeling project. The project included recycling removed materials, use of recyled wood, glass, and plastic for the construction phase, installation of Energy Star fans, LED and CFL lighting, and a suntube. Visit my blog, www.NorthBethesda.blogspot.com. It would be my great pleasure to provide you with the highest quality service as you purchase and/or sell residential property in Maryland.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
Listing Categories
6000 Executive Boulevard
North Bethesda, Maryland
USA 20852