
Service Provider in Vaughan, Ontario

iFitzone is a health and performance studio in Vaughan. iFitzone offers personal and fitness training, ems training, hybrid training, strength, and co

IFIT Zone Studio is an all-inclusive fitness and performance facility that caters to the needs of a diverse clientele in order to fulfill their requirements. iFitzone provides cutting-edge fitness and wellness programs, as well as sports and health performance, expedited physiotherapy, and professional sports rehabilitation services.
Our objective is to provide the means for everyone to realize their desired levels of physical health and fitness. For the purpose of providing high-quality physical therapy for sports rehabilitation, we have assembled in one location a team of experts consisting of physicians, coaches, and nutritionists. We are overjoyed to be able to provide our patients and members with the opportunity to enroll in our services with a great degree of adaptability and choice in terms of the traditional and emergency medical care training they get.

We will train you one-on-one under supervision, and we will tailor a training program just for you.
Whether you are recovering from an injury, making the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle, or attempting to take your fitness to the next level, we have a plan that is tailored to match your specific requirements.
At the IFIT Zone Studio - Vaughan Fitness Centre, we conduct testing on both conventional and emergency medical services (EMS) equipment, as well as medically supervised training and Elite Athletic Program training.

Individuals are able to fluidly transition between various forms of physical activity based on their present state and the priorities they have set for their health. Because you are a world-class athlete, allow us to assist you in moving to the next level of success in your career.

We take a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, and we are thrilled to be able to provide our participants with a professionally supervised nutrition program that is also overseen by a physician, and you will be able to have your very own licensed dietitian assigned to you as part of this program. Within the framework of the Elite Athletic Program, nutritional programming will be incorporated into the training routine as well.

To assist our clients in achieving greater health, a heightened feeling of well-being, and overall higher quality of life, it is our mission to make physical activity available to them and to provide them with the opportunity to give it a try. Give us an opportunity to assist you in accomplishing the health objectives you have set for yourself!


Sustainable Development Goals & Related Targets

6. Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Targets: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.A, 6.B More info



9587 Weston Road
Vaughan, Ontario
Canada L4H 3A5
(647) 834-4348

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