Premier Printer Services

Service Provider in Las Vegas, Nevada

Our specialty is printer repair and plotter repair, many Fortune 100 & Fortune 500 Companies, Federal and State Agencies, small businesses, and home users have called on the support of Premier Printer Services, Inc., to provide printer repair and the following services computer printer repair, hp printer repair, Lexmark printer repair, Xerox printer repair, copier repair, and Hewlett Packard printer repair service contracts.

Premier Printer Services provides nationwide printers with Certified on-site, in-home, and carry in printer repair services and upgraded printer parts. Our highly qualified printer techs provide services that include multi-vendor printer repair, printer cleanings, original printer repair maintenance kits, fax machine repair, large format plotter repair, and factory printer warranty support.



6440 Sky Point Drive
Suite 200
Las Vegas, Nevada
USA 89131
(800) 836-9287

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