GE Free Solutions

Service Provider in Burnaby, British Columbia

GE-Free Solutions is a consulting and verification agency which supports foodservice providers in offering non-genetically engineered food. Our service is a tool for restaurants, bars, cafes and catering companies to ensure that their menu items do not contain GE ingredients. Later this year we will be offering a service to verify foodservice suppliers and beverage producers.

In addition to the services we offer to businesses, we are actively engaged in increasing consumer education and awareness of genetically engineered foods, and building grass-roots support for mandatory labeling in Canada.

The 'Verified by GE-Free Solutions' label means that the foodservice provider has met our strict standards, and has reduced the risk of contamination to an acceptable level. Our standards surpass those currently in place in the European Union. Find the yellow canola flower, and know what's in your food.



4737 Victory Street
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada V5J1S3
(778) 668-3333

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