Alexander Proudfoot
Manufacturer/Supplier in Atlanta, Georgia
Alexander Proudfoot designs and implements programs to help mining company executives run their operations more effectively. Regarded as a leader in our field, we are proud to serve over half of the global mining industry by market capitalization. Alexander Proudfoot supports you to get the most out of your assets by improving your operational performance. Our improvement programs deliver rapid and sustainable operational and financial improvements -the key drivers of profitability and shareholder value. We understand the complex and extreme operational challenges that mining operations face, whether in surface or subsurface mines, smelting or refining operations. Our services cover a wide operational spectrum including mining safety, contractor management, CAPEX avoidance, project ramp up, cost reduction, operational improvement, community engagement, supply chain management and throughput improvement.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
700-1355 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, Georgia
USA 30309