Mid-South Turf Professionals, LLC

Service Provider in Oakland, Tennessee

Mid-South Turf Professionals LLC, is a lawn and turf care company based out of Oakland, Tennessee.

Mid-South Turf Professionals LLC, is a lawn and turf care company based out of Oakland, Tennessee.  We specialize in lawn care and lawn maintenance for both residential and commercial properties that want to have beautiful-looking lawns and landscapes. 

Our comprehensive lawn care programs are tailored specifically to our client's property so we can encourage healthy, green, grass to grow.  Our lawn care services include lawn fertilizing, lawn weed control, lawn growth regulators, lawn disease control, lawn fungicide treatments, shrub and bush feeding, lawn aeration, and weed pre-emergent spraying.

If you want to have one of the most beautiful lawns on your street Mid-South Turf Professionals LLC can put together a custom-tailored lawn care program specific to your property.  Our lawn care programs are specific to the type of grass you have growing in your lawn, and your soil conditions, and to address any other problems, pests, or diseases that may affect your lawn.

Mid-South Turf Professionals LLC lawn care programs always start with an on-site visit, and often we’ll take a soil sample too so we can determine the proper balance of nutrients to get your lawn into a healthy state.  We need to determine the current health of your lawn and what diseases, fungus, or specific weeds are present.  

Our lawn care programs consist of multiple, seasonal treatments of fertilizer, herbicide, and fungicide to feed your grass, choke out the weeds, and protect your lawn from pests and fungus.

To have a weed-free lawn you first need a healthy lawn and by improving the health of your lawn overall we can make your grass greener, thicker, lusher, and more healthy.  Beautiful lawns don’t happen by accident!  It takes careful knowledge and planning to get a beautiful lawn and we’re your local lawn care experts in Oakland Tennessee and the surrounding areas.


Sustainable Development Goals & Related Targets

3. Good Health and Well-Being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Targets: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D More info



195 Bowers Road
Oakland, Tennessee
USA 38060
(901) 494-9088

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