REC Group has launched the REC N-Peak 2, the second generation of its n-type TOPCon cell-based solar panels. The second-gen panels are designed to further improve power density and energy yield per m2.

The REC N-Peak solar panel, released in 2018, combines n-type mono half-cut cells with a twin-panel design, delivering good power output and long-term performance. The new solar panel takes forward the same advanced mono n-type cell technology as well as REC’s Twin Design, which is designed to deliver better performance in shaded conditions.The REC N-Peak 2 uses 120 half-cut mono n-type cells to deliver up to 375 Wp of power.

The new product has the same strong, slimline frame and support bars that REC uses in its other solar panels. This means the N-Peak 2 can support loads of up to 7000 Pa.

Production of the REC N-Peak 2 started in August 2021, with shipments arriving worldwide at the beginning of October.