Savvy Boheme

Manufacturer/Supplier in Cedar Hill, Texas

Savvy Boheme creates and retails body care products that have been hand-crafted with authentic ingredients, without the use of synthetic preservatives, fillers, fragrances, parabens, or ANYTHING that is unnatural. Every ingredient has been carefully selected to add the most value to the skin's exfoliation, hydration, and absorbtion, and organic and Fair-Trade ingredients have been used whenever possible to present to you a body care product line that is uniquely effective and socially thoughtful. It is our goal to present a line of body care products that exceed the usual expectations of body hydration, and to educate our "practitioners" on the value of using authentic ingredients as opposed to chemically modified ingredients that cause your body to say, "uhh...what do I do with that?". We also desire to give people the opportunity to participate in making others' lives better through the use of Fair-Trade products and through Savvy Bohme's commitment to donating a portion of the sale of all products to Family Legacy, a non-profit organization whose heart is for the orphans of Africa.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Savvy Boheme has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


P.O. Box 982
Cedar Hill, Texas
USA 75106
(214) 518-9386

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