Siat S.A.

Processor in Eastern Region

Nv Siat sa was incorporated under Belgian Law in the year 1991 and has a share capital of Û31,000,000, fully subscribed and paid-up. Siat stands for ÒSociŽtŽ dÕInvestissement pour lÕAgriculture TropicaleÓ. The object of the company is to invest and manage agro-industrial ventures in the tropics. Siat is active in Belgium, Nigeria, Ghana, Gabon, C™te d'Ivoire and Cambodia. Siat's head office is located in Brussels. The Company has acquired a stake of 38% (in February 2013) in the share capital of Deroose Plants and thus expands its operational activities to the USA and China. The rational of this investment for Siat is to support the Research & Development programme for rubber clones of Deroose. In Ghana, Siat holds 100% of the share capital of GOPDC. GOPDC cultivates approximately 8,000 hectares of industrial oil palm plantation out of a concession of 14,000 hectares, and provides financial and technical support to 7,000 farmers, who cultivate a total of 13,700 hectares of oil palm. GOPDC runs a refinery/fractionation plant with a capacity of 100 tonnes per day. GOPDC has an aggregate storage capacity of 16,000 tonnes both at Kwae, which is located near Kade in the Eastern Region of Ghana, and Tema.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Siat S.A. has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

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Kwae near Kade, Kwaebibirem District
Eastern Region
+23 (324) 433-0090

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