Green Electronics Council

Service Provider in Portland, Oregon

GEC is a mission-driven 501c(4) non-profit that collaborates to achieve a world in which only sustainable IT products are designed, manufactured, and purchased.  Founded initially to manage EPEAT, the leading global ecolabel for IT products, GEC advocates for sustainable IT by helping both manufacturers and large-scale purchasers to:

UNDERSTAND - the challenges facing sustainable IT

COMMIT - to address those challenges

ACTto change internal operational, manufacturing and procurement behaviors

The Green Electronics Council (GEC) acts as the fulcrum point between those who buy (institutional purchasers) and those who make (information technology brands).  We understand that by deciding to buy sustainable IT products, institutional purchasers can really “move the needle” towards a more sustainable world. GEC is proud to support institutional purchasers in their implementation of sustainable procurement and along with our flagship program EPEAT, we provide additional tools and resources. You can learn more about purchaser focused tools and guidance on our purchaser's guidance page.





300-227 SW Pine Street
Portland, Oregon
USA 97204
(503) 279-9383

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