Beneficial State Bank

Service Provider in Oakland, California

Our founding team had a vision to create a sustainable, meaningful community development bank and a supporting nonprofit organization. Learn more about how we got started here. Serving its customers since 1997, One PacificCoast Bank is the first commercial bank in the US with a commitment to sustainable community development. Open an EcoDeposits checking, IRA, or CD account and promote conservation in the Pacific Northwest. Our team has a diverse background and expertise in industries such as finance, nonprofit, start-up, law and of course banking! Meet some of our great team members here. The Mission of Beneficial State Bank, is to build prosperity in our communities through beneficial banking services delivered in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. Our vision is of a banking industry that is fair to the person with the least bargaining power; provides access to financial services for all our communities, particularly the traditionally underserved; results in the long-term prosperity of responsible consumers; promotes financial system stability; and contributes to the sustainability of the environmental commons. We call this vision beneficial banking.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Beneficial State Bank has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Listing Categories



100-1438 Webster Street
Oakland, California
USA 94612
(888) 326-2265

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